1931 Quote: Fool’s Paradise & Sovereignty

It’s obvious the sovereignty of the USA is on it’s deathbed, but how is your local area holding up?

Quote worth saving:

“It is just because we are really attacking the principle of local sovereignty that we keep on protesting our loyalty to it so loudly.

“The harder we press our attack upon the idol, the more pains we take to keep its priests and devotees in a fool’s paradise – lapped in a false sense of security which will inhibit them from taking up arms in their idol’s defense… 

“We are at present working, discreetly with all our might, to wrest this mysterious political force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local national states of the world. And all the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands.”  

– Arnold Toynbee, “Director of Studies” at Chatham House, London, at a meeting in Copenhagen June 10, 1931.



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