Gloating, Obama Throws Down the Gauntlet!



3/26/10 Update below from Atty. Matt Staver re their already-filed lawsuit vs. ObamaCare below.  And further below that is some “serious humor” (oxymoron) from Staver from a year ago… Good stuff!

From: “Liberty Counsel” <>
Date: March 26, 2010 5:57:27 PM EDT
Subject: Gloating, Obama throws down the gauntlet!

Mathew Staver, Founder and Chairman Liberty Counsel

Trying to sell his unpopular healthcare bill in Iowa, the President challenged those who seek to repeal ObamaCare to “Go for it!” Well, we ARE going for it – and we’ll see your administration in court, Mr. President!  Please read my important message
below – Mat

Before the ink on the ObamaCare legislation could even dry, the President reignited his campaign rhetoric in the first of a new series of whistle-stop sales pitches.  In Iowa
City, Iowa, he dared opponents to try to repeal the newly-passed healthcare law.

Now that his political machine has rammed the bill through Congress using a stunning variety of deceitful ploys, President Obama has transitioned to trying to drum up
support for a bill Americans never asked for in the first place.

He told Iowans, “This is the reform that some folks in Washington are still hollering about. And now that it’s passed, they’re already promising to repeal it… Well, I say go for it.”

Mr. President, we accept your challenge to strike down this unwanted, murderous, and unconstitutional law!

In an interesting twist of history, Barack Obama signed the largest expansion of the federal government since the New Deal on March 23, 2010, exactly 235 years to the day after Patrick Henry’s famous speech to the Virginia House of Burgesses in 1775.

In part, Henry’s historic message emphasized that, “If we wish to be free…we must fight!”  Liberty Counsel joins Patrick Henry in that sentiment, and we pledge to fight ObamaCare and its attacks on our freedom with all of our might!

Liberty Counsel’s team of attorneys strategized for months in anticipation of the bill’s possible passage. That’s why we were able to file a lawsuit in Federal District Court on the same day the bill’s socialist architects were gloating at the White House signing ceremony.

++ObamaCare was unconstitutional from the beginning.

Mandating that health insurance be purchased by every person or their employer is a classic example of arbitrary power the Constitution was designed to guard against. Congress lacks the authority to force the American people into making insurance purchases. Period.

And what American actually wants to face the IRS, including their 16,500 new agents, who will act as the bill’s enforcement agency?

Click here to read our lawsuit and to hear my special audio message on this situation.

++The fallout from ObamaCare is already being felt.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the detrimental affects of “reform” are already being felt in the private sector.

Caterpillar, for instance, said the new healthcare mandates would cost the company at least $100 million or more in the first year alone.

Medtronic, a medical device maker, warned that new taxes on its products could force it to lay off a thousand workers.

Verizon has joined those businesses sounding the alarm about serious adverse consequences.

++Americans DO NOT want ObamaCare!

A recent Rasmussen poll reported that 52 percent of Americans trust the insurance industry to run health care more than the federal government. This is a particularly telling statistic considering how Americans feel about insurance companies! (lol, isn’t that the truth!!)

Other national polls taken after ObamaCare “passed” reveal that a clear majority of Americans favor its repeal. But legislative repeal could take at least several years.

Why wait?  Liberty Counsel is taking on the President’s challenge right now! But I need citizens like you to stand with us.

++The battle over ObamaCare has just begun.

Mark my words: Every pro-ObamaCare legislator will be on their home turf over the spring break with the “talking points” of why the President’s bill is “good for America.”
Yet never before has the will of the people been so manipulated, ignored and marginalized as in the long battle over this bill!

Such legislators are in for a rude awakening. Americans nationwide are expressing OUTRAGE at the overt manipulation and total lack of integrity in the Obama/Reid/Pelosi axis of power.

They proved to all Americans that they were willing to do ANYTHING to get this control of our medical system under the banner of “change.”

Don’t be deceived. This socialistic power grab was always about our government’s takeover of two more industries – health care and student loans. This was NEVER about improved healthcare or access to education loans.

WE HAVE NOT GIVEN UP and will resist the implementation of ObamaCare’s anti-freedom, anti-life, anti-family provisions to the very end.  NOW, WE WILL SEE THEM IN COURT!  And we have an excellent chance of winning our federal lawsuit.

Now more than ever, the socialists and abortion advocates need to hear from you.

Thank you for already joining with tens of thousands of others who are supporting the lawsuit challenging ObamaCare. Your statement will send a targeted message to the pro-Obama legislators. They all need to know they’re not going to get away with this subversion of our Constitution!  Here is what I am asking you to do…

++Please forward this message to 20-30 of your friends who you know would gladly stand with you on this important cause.

Tell them that you have signed the “Statement of Support” and encourage them to join you. We want to deliver hundreds of thousands of these Statements to all the key plotters behind ObamaCare.

++Keep Liberty Counsel and our team of litigators in prayer.

Every day we are on the front lines of battle on behalf of faith, family and freedom. And pray that this bill will be derailed in court, relieving Americans of being forced to pay for abortions and short circuiting the oppressive mandates in ObamaCare.

Of course, this litigation is going to be very expensive.  Please also prayerfully consider a significant gift to help offset Liberty Counsel’s expenses in mounting this major constitutional challenge to ObamaCare.

We are challenging this anti-liberty, anti-life, and anti-family healthcare bill in the federal judiciary.

With your help, Liberty Counsel will successfully fight in court on behalf of all Americans!

If you haven’t already listened to my audio message, I hope you’ll take moment to listen. I highlight the events of the past few days. I have also appended a copy of Liberty Counsel’s official News Release and the text of the actual lawsuit next to our Statement of Support:

Because you have chosen to stand with us, your voice will be heard in the halls of justice. Please encourage other like-minded Americans to help put the plotters on notice that we will SEE THEM IN COURT to thwart this outrageous power grab once and for all.

God bless you,
Mathew Staver, Founder & Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S.  The President is obviously relishing his victory, but we intend to strike that victory from the record by proving that Congress passed a law that was unconstitutional in the first place!

This battle is NOT over. Thank you in advance for forwarding this message to 20-30 of your friends.  Again, thank you and God bless you!

+   +  +   +   +   +   +   +   +   +  + 
Comments? Questions?

Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and the traditional family.
Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776


While looking for pics of Staver for this email in Google Images, I ran across these cards from his site that they began publishing last year after the DHS report on “What is an extremist”? Sad but probably wouldn’t hurt to have one of these in your wallet!


For copies of the above cards, see Atty Staver’s site here:

ObamaCare… Come & Get It !!!

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