TN: Victory re DNA at Arrest

From Tennessee 4/29/11, this report is a hoot. Good job! See the influence one person’s actions can have:

TN has just rejected “legalized” DNA theft upon arrest for all felonies. They rejected it because of popular demand. The Lt. Governor, Ron Ramsey, introduced it and refused to remove his bill after I told him to. In fact he smarted off to me and was quite rude, so I sent out his personal e-mail address and cell phone number to over 30,000 conservative Tennesseans.

He didn’t know what hit him! He was getting angry phone calls and e-mails and had no idea why people were so upset about this bill.

Then he did a radio interview with a host that I help produce for and he lied to the host on air about his DNA bill. I then sent THAT clip and lie out to the e-mail list. In less than a month’s time he killed the bill although he refuses to actually pull the bill for the reason allegedly “just to spite Matt Collins”.

He learned a bit of a lesson and got a taste of what’s to come over the course of this next election cycle. :-)(…)

North Carolina is facing a similar bill. See above link for more info.


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