This was a new one for me. Her point is in her very last “PS” paragraph…


Aida on June 16, 2013 at 3:41pm wrote:

“…I’m living in England waiting for my immigration papers to go to America, back to America. I’m the mother of 7 children and 5 grandchildren American born. I have been waiting for 30 yrs to be legal. My kids haven’t seen their mom in 6 years, I still haven’t met my grandkids.

“When businesses were booming I was a Queen in America and living the American dream. After Sep11 and I wasn’t needed anymore I respectfully left the country and my family behind, after MR. Bush asked the immigrants to leave and put the papers in to go back. Yeh..yeh…yeh I’m still here alone waiting in agony because I trusted a liar.

“What I want to say is, even that OBUMA is pro-immigration, I still don’t like him or defend him. America is where my heart is and I can tell you that I’m more of a patriot than most Americans I see. Even though I know that Patriots hate immigrants I’m still one of them and will die if I need to. I will be there very soon to plant a garden to feed my family that your President is ready to starve.

“Even though I was a single mother for a while working and raising 7 children alone It never crossed my mind to send them to the army for an easy fix. I didn’t drink and smoke their college fund, so they did get educated and loan free. I did not sacrifice my life to raise professional murderers with a licence to kill, given by the government.

“PS> I have never been on public assistance either, or any of my friends, and yes I did pay tax every single year and no refund on 7 kids coz my 50 dollar SS card is good just to pay tax, not file for refund, and this is why immigrants aren’t legalized. We make great quiet slaves.”


Who knew? Interesting. Gov’t wants to tax them but not refund them if over-taxed.

Just one more little mystery explained in the Grand Scheme of “Beastly” Govt’s. (Daniel ch.7; Revelation ch.13).


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