“For those who are worried about the radical homosexual agenda, let me put them on notice – two down, two to go.”

— Barney Frank quote of 12/22/10


These below two emails from different ministries came the same day 12/23/10, and are related, context-wise, so I am sending them together… 


From: “Power of Prophecy” <powerofprophecy@midwesthosting.net>
Date: December 23, 2010 4:13:48 PM EST
Subject: Power of Prophecy Newsletter for January 2011 and This Week’s Streaming Audio – “Hey, You Can’t Say That!”

Dear Friends,

The list of individuals punished by Israel for “Thought crimes” keeps growing. America’s First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees freedom of speech, however, there is a long list of topics you can’t speak about including: Crimes of the Jewish-controlled Federal Reserve; billions in foreign aid sent to Israel; trillions in military equipment that has gone to Israel; murders and cruel oppression of Gaza, Palestine, and Lebanon by Israel; the historical fact that most African slave traders were Jews; and the list goes on and on. Major media outlets only report what is good for Israel, while the bad is flushed down the Orwellian black hole. This month’s provocative  Power of Prophecy newsletter feature article, “Hey, You Can’t Say That!”—Big Brother’s Jewish Thoughtcrime Police Want You to Keep Your Mouth Shut provides the reader with a supreme moment of clarity as to what is and is not appropriate to speak about. Please share this important information with everyone in your address book.

This week’s Power of Prophecy streaming audio is titled, “Hey, You Can’t Say That!”—Big Brother’s Assault on Our First Amendment Rights. Texe interviews Reverend Ted Pike, founder of the National Prayer Network. Rev. Pike exposes the ADL’s pro-homosexual attack on Christianity and praises award-winning newswoman Helen Thomas, who finally stood up to the Zionists and is now telling the truth about Jewish and Israeli control of America’s political establishment, media, and Hollywood. Rev. Pike also discusses the perverted sexuality rampant among Jews and deemed acceptable by the rabbi’s “holy” books of the Talmud. Please tune in and listen to this week powerful program.

To listen to this week’s streaming audio or view this month’s newsletter, please click or copy/paste: www.texemarrs.com

All God’s Best,

Jerry Barrett




From: “Liberty Counsel” <alert@libertyaction.org>
Date: December 23, 2010 12:47:42 PM EST
Subject: Barney to USA: “Two down, two to go!”

Liberty Counsel
Mathew Staver,
Founder and Chairman

Barack Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and Barney Frank took center stage this week by unabashedly touting the end of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) policy.  Frank
boasted, “Two down, two to go,” referring to the passage of a Hate Crimes law and the repeal of DADT, with the presumed repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and the passage of an Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) left to accomplish on his wish list.  How can we stop this radical push?  See my urgent message below – Mat.


Yesterday, Representative Barney Frank threw down the gauntlet and crowed about further pro-homosexual initiatives while speaking at a ceremony marking the end of the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy.  The 1993 law underlying DADT prohibited open homosexuality in our armed forces.

Frank tauntingly said, “For those who are worried about the radical homosexual agenda, let me put them on notice – two down, two to go.”

Yet on Election Day 2010, “We the People” overwhelmingly rejected the radical leftist policies advanced by President Obama and his super-majority Democratic legislature.  The
now-defunct (and not a minute too soon!) 111th Congress and their unbelievable arrogance stirred a deep resolve among patriotic citizens of all parties (and even those with no party) to stop them from remaking the United States of America into an atheist, socialist nation.

Amazingly, this outgoing congressional body learned nothing from the “shellacking” (President Obama’s word) they got on Election Day.

++Liberty Counsel has consistently fought the radical pro-homosexual agenda.

*Our Liberty Counsel team aggressively stood against the Hate Crimes bill, which (sadly) promoted homosexuals to a unique, unjustified “protected” status in the law.

*For well over a year, we fought valiantly against the overt social engineering being thrust on our troops through threats to repeal DADT.  It took a discredited lame duck Congress to pass the bill – against the will of our front-line fighting forces.

*We continue to stand against the passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) which, as Barney Frank and his cronies wel know, would put many Christian organizations on the wrong side of the law.

*And we have battled relentlessly in the courts and in other venues on behalf of marriage between one man and one woman by defending the Defense of Marriage Act, California’s Proposition 8, and countless6 other pro-family initiatives.

++ How do we stop Barney Frank from advancing his radical pro-homosexual agenda?

Liberty Counsel’s vision is to “Take Back America” by restoring our nation’s core values, love of freedom, individual responsibility, the sanctity of life and marriage, and our Christian heritage.

We MUST make sure incoming elected officials stay true to the mandate that got them elected.  And, we need to press forward to “Take Back America” in 2011 and the presidential election year of 2012.

As we close out the year, we need to prepare for even more important battles that will begin in the next few weeks.  2011 will be a critical year as we “rebuild the foundations.”

Here is my pledge to you:  Liberty Counsel will remain standing at the epicenter of the battle for the soul of America against the calculated and seemingly endless assaults on our liberties!

I need your help to accomplish all that
I believe God is calling Liberty Counsel to do.  There are two components to our year-end need:

First, we need to raise $500,000 ministry-wide over and above our normal December income in order to close out 2010 on sound financial footing.

After prayerfully seeking the Lord’s guidance to meet this great need, I am asking our Liberty Counsel online team to raise $200,000 of that amount.

* Second, we need to prepare for the crucial battles ahead.

We are optimistic and excited to be in the center of God’s will. He has a great work for us in 2011!  We are more convinced than ever that the Lord has raised up this ministry for “such a time as this!”

I’m asking you to consider a significant gift to Liberty Counsel before the end of 2010. Our mission is critical.  The need is enormous. Yet, with the support of friends like you, we remain
confident of future victories in the battle for our culture.

Go here now to give a special year-end gift. We depend on friends who give $50, $100, $500, $1,000 or more – whatever the Lord leads.  Every gift is deeply appreciated and tax deductible.

++Now, the challenges of 2011 loom before us.

Politically speaking, Liberty Counsel’s efforts in 2010 paid off in the November elections.  A wave of pro-life, pro-family,and pro-freedom Americans were elected to Congress. And over 680 new conservative voices were elected to their respective State legislatures and executive offices.

As never before, we are at pivotal time in American history.  The disgraceful, ultraliberal 111th Congress is being ushered out of Washington on the heels of a resounding defeat.  The incoming, more conservative 112th Congress will soon take its place.

Yet, for two more years we will still be subjected to a dictatorial President, his czars, expanding government agencies, and the deceitful maneuvering of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.  Our judicial system will continue to be supplied with liberal, activist judges while Barack Obama remains President and the Senate has a Democrat majority under Harry Reid.

Will you prayerfully consider making a tax-deductible gift right now so our team can continue to fight against the rise of Big Government, radical pro-homosexual forces, anti-faith initiatives, the attacks of the ACLU and other activist legal groups?

Click here to help us reach our goal of raising $200,000 and give Liberty Counsel good momentum going into 2011:

++A call to active citizenship.

Our nation is at a crossroads. The 2010 election cycle is a reminder that we CAN make a difference in the future of America. 2011 will usher in a more conservative congress, but that is not enough!

The battle is not over – it has just begun!  We need to stop the anti-American policies we have witnessed over the past two years and restore the Constitution and adherence to the first principles that made America great!

This is a call to active citizenship – a call that requires us to put aside apathy and to commit ourselves to fight for our God-given liberties. We are called to influence civil government through prayer and action so that we
can, “lead quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and reverence” (1 Timothy 2:2).

We MUST advance! We cannot remain “status quo,” and by no means can we lose ground!

In 2011, we will initiate a significant expansion of this ministry. We also will deploy a new citizen action training
program to educate and mobilize grassroots Americans. We need your partnership as we press forward with these new opportunities.

I firmly believe it is Liberty Counsel’s duty to do everything in our power – both in the courts and the court of public opinion – to “Take Back America.”  And I believe the Lord has prepared you and me to do just that!

I am asking you to partner with Liberty Counsel by stretching your faith and your finances. In the midst of our challenges, we must make wise investments.  God is faithful.  When we
step out in obedience, He can take our limited resources and multiply them like Jesus did with the loaves and fishes.

However, if we clench our hands and hold on to what God has loaned us, then God will not fill our hands with more.

Click here to make your gift in any amount as God leads you:

We have prepared a special Year-end Partners’ Report you can read by clicking on any of the links in this message.  It offers a brief synopsis of Liberty Counsel’s many achievements during the past year and has a special slide show you will want to see.  Click here to see our 2010 Year-end Partners’ Report:

THANK YOU (as always!) for all you do as a key member of the Liberty Counsel team.

With your prayers and financial support, we can restore the values that made America great and pass on a godly legacy to future generations.

Your partner in the defense of true liberty,

Mathew Staver,
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel

P.S. With your help, Barney Frank’s radical homosexual agenda can be stopped.  If your gift to help Liberty
Counsel defend marriage and meet other challenges in 2011is postmarked on or before midnight in your time zone December 31, 2010, whether it is made by check, cash, or credit card, it will be tax deductible as a gift made
in 2010.  Working together, we can raise the $200,000 over and above our normal December giving!

For our part, we are laying our time, treasure, and talents on the line to defend liberty, life, and family throughout 2011 and beyond. The Lord is doing miraculous things through Liberty Counsel, and we feel certain He will greatly bless your generosity toward this ministry.  Thank you and God bless you!

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+ + Comments? Questions?

Liberty Counsel, with offices in Florida, Virginia and Washington, D.C., is a nonprofit litigation, education and
policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and the traditional family.
Liberty Counsel . PO Box 540774 . Orlando, FL 32854 .800-671-1776


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