Zionist Complaint vs. Henry Makow Update



Canadian Tribunal Halts Zionist Complaint Vs Henry Makow:

In a ruling dated May 26, 2010, Tribunal Member Edward Lustig adjourned a Section 13 complaint file by the Canadian Jewish Congress against Henry Makow until a final decision in the Lemire


[Makow insert: This is a great victory for the cause of freedom. If the Lemire case goes to the Supreme Court of Canada, it will probably take about 6 years. If he wins, that is the end of the Jewish Congress/Bnai Brith complaints against Lemire, Makow, Arthur Topham and other truth seekers. … I owe Marc my freedom of speech and I will be supporting his case. Money has been difficult to raise. We also owe respect and gratitude to his brilliant, tireless, dedicated lawyer, Barbara Kulaszka who also represents me. She challenged the constitutionality of Canadian “hate speech” laws and won.] 

Read the full story at above link.

Congratulations, Henry!
Keep on writing!


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