NWO "ART": Chicago’s Giant Eyeball




Chicago – Obama – Corruption – All Seeing Eye of Lucifer… Makes Sense.

Hitler had blue eyes, too…


One of the first things people noticed about Hitler was his “large, clear, and blue eyes.” Dr. Ernst Hanfstaengl remarks in his article in Collier’s, August 4, 1934 that, He [Hitler] had clear blue eyes and in them there was neither guile nor fear. There was honesty; there was sincerity; there was a hint of scorn.” When Karl Ludecke first heard Hitler speak, he wrote, “Hitler was a slight, pale man with brown hair parted to one side. He had steel-blue eyes[…]” Leon Degrelle says in The Enigma of Hitler that, “Hitler had deep blue eyes that many found bewitching.” Sefton Delmer of the Daily Express wrote on 23rd February, 1933, “Hitler watched them for a few moments, a savage fury blazing from his pale blue eyes.” Martha Dodd writes in her book Through Embassy Eyes that, “Hitler’s eyes were startling and unforgettable – they seemed pale blue in color, were intense, unwavering, hypnotic.” 



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