Tag Archives: Edward Snowden


For newbies, “Agit-Prop” is short for “AGITATION PROPAGANDA,” a Judeo-
Masonic-inspired Communist tactic to “agitate” (provoke) the common masses of people toward whatever direction/action the Real Perpetrators Behind The Scenes desire.

The above two photos are perfect examples, as described by the publisher of “The Anti-New York Times” (aka A-NYT, info further below).

How so? Any menfolk left with their natural instincts intact as protectors of “the weaker vessel, the feminine one,” would be incensed at such a sight & would want to rise up & rebel against “police authority.” This is exactly what the Judeo-Masonic World Conspirators (JMWC) want. Then the JMWC would have “legitimate excuse” to mow down all the “good men” who are the real threat to World Tyranny (the women not so much a threat; but the JMWC make good use of them for their goals, the above photos being just one small example).

Just as Hitler’s reign would have been emasculated without his right-
hand-man Propagandist, Goebbels, to brainwash the public, likewise the JMWC long ago (50-70-80 years now) bought up &/or are controllers of all Mainstream Media Giants (& lesser affiliate-giants). They work hand-in-hand with the JMWC to push the world to their desired end, Total Control = One World Government with themselves (JMWC) “riding the beast.”


Another example from The A-NYT re: Edward Snowden/NSA-Spying/Amnesty for the “Whistleblower”: In case the above, left, text is not clear, it says:


Point: All these countries going topsy-turvy with riots & supposed “grassroots” uprisings are a ruse. It doesn’t matter for what reason or cause. People in general just want to live & let live in peace & quiet. But how can the devil have his day if people stay content? He can’t. So via his JMWC puppets & their Media-Propagandists, they ALSO purposefully inflame the populace by sending in Agitators, Change Agents, Subversives, “Revolutionaries,” Moles, etc. to “work people up” into a frenzy. They are the leaders in your new little neighborhood “watch groups,” your city halls & councils, etc. They are master brainwashers & emotion-manipulators.

Learn to recognize how they operate & what they say,
And you won’t be caught up in the frey.


Lastly, re the riots in Brazil, the text of this A-NYT editorial says:


Ha! King Kong Meets Brazil, lol. Excellent that he points out the “professional look” of posters & banners as being highly suspect. I hadn’t quite thought of that concretely before, but now will not forget that great tip!


ALL ABOVE PHOTOS & THEIR ENCLOSED EDITORIAL DESCRIPTIONS (within the frames which were added by me) are from the Free “Sample Issue” dated late June 2013 of “THE ANTI-NEW YORK TIMES” — lol, great title:

Weekly subscription (donation) rates for The A-NYT begin as low as $1 per week: http://tomatobubble.com/idxxx.html

Besides teaching all of us a little more re “media fakery” & especially visual media-propaganda, I also want to give the publisher of The A-NYT a little exposure here as I like his idea to take just one “propaganda rag” & focus only on its front page headlines with his CORRECTED A-NYT News Interpretations. Great idea & Good job! That takes dedication & persistence to stomach reading MSM as a regular diet. :)


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Jim Stone re What Snowden’s NSA-Spying Leaks Mean for “Awake” Americans

[Above Photo assembled/created from different photos/pieces by Yours Truly, TPR :) At first I thought Snowden was for real, sincere, etc.  But not too long thereafter, I wasn’t so sure, especially due to the massive MSM coverage & due to Snowden’s name itself: SNOWED-IN (trapped?), or “Snow Job” (expression from the 1970’s), “You’ve been Snowed” (deceived, duped, etc.)]


Is Jim Stone a Defeatist or a Realist?  (Or is he, himself, a Provocateur?) Below is his Spooky-Creepy-Scary opinion of what the Snowden leaks re NSA-Spying really mean, ie, that its purpose is to zero-in on the “main core” of Americans & their associates (approximately 30-70 million total) who are awake to the Judeo-Masonic/Communist-NWO Agenda & that they cannot be allowed to keep living if the USA is to become a fully Communist country, per the NWO Plan.


7/7/13: “The Main Core: What the NSA hacking on America really means” – by Jim Stone:

The Main Core
by Jim Stone, July 7 2013

What the NSA hacking on America really means

When I worked for the NSA prior to 9/11, the NSA only looked outward, not inward. And I never thought the NSA ever would look inward and spy on the American people. I knew that if that ever happened the result would be catastrophic. After 9/11 I knew the NSA was looking inward to some degree, and had suspected they might be recording everything before Snowden blew the whistle, but I was not certain. Now we all can be. And I would like to go into a few things here to explain to people how grave this situation really is.When an agency like the NSA looks outward into other countries, it cannot be a tool that is used by the governments of the countries being spied on to oppress the people in that country. When used to spy on foreigners the NSA and other similar agencies are not part of the policy making for that which they are observing. So the purpose for any spying by agencies such as the NSA will be limited to key elements of the observed nation, such as the government agencies and major companies that could present a problem to the whole of America in the future. The NSA will not pay attention to Joe the bar-b-q chef or Moe the mechanic, because on an individual level ordinary people in foreign countries are a waste of time to observe.

It is very different when such an intelligence agency looks inward at it’s host population

With the NSA looking inward, especially with them recording every phone conversation and e-mail and not just the meta data, the people who understand what America really is supposed to be are now fully identified. These people, which are referred to as “the main core” represent what remains of the backbone of this once great nation, the core of which numbers 8 million with 30 or so million close enough to the main core for any psychopath to be able to justify taking out along with it. If America is to become the totally transformed Communist society that the Zionists want it to be, the main core has got to be ripped out, and the NSA has made this future event possible to accomplish with minimal effort and pin point precision.There is no question that the elitist zionist faction wants every aspect of America it cannot control with ease wiped out, just like the elitist Zionists Bolsheviks did to the Ukranian people. And as America approaches this same reality, we have the same approximate numbers, 30 – 70 million slated for death and internment in America. With the DHS ordering well over a billion rounds of ammo, countless tens of thousands of cheap plastic coffins already purchased and sitting in storage yards, 2,700 giant heavily armed vehicles which are totally impenetrable to civilian weapons, vehicles perfectly capable of gutting American homes with high caliber gunfire right from the curb side, it is time for Americans to face a simple fact – All of the stories are more than just rumor. And because these stories are not just rumor, I would take the NSA spying on everyone VERY seriously.

It’s Too Late

If you think Americans can change this situation with a 300 million eyed monster observing everyone’s every move, you are off in fantasy land somewhere. It is GAME OVER. You cannot beat this monster with a cute little encryption trick performed on a compromised operating system with a compromised processor tapped into via a compromised internet. I see all of the new stupid pet trick type encryption fantasies some people are parading on the web now to “secure” themselves against the NSA as some sort of useless bubble gum fad, IF YOU WORKED FOR THEM AND UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING ON, YOU WOULD REALIZE SUCH EFFORTS ARE AS LAUGHABLE AS TRYING TO FIX A SEMI WITH A PLASTIC BARBIE TOOL SET. And if you are even able to HAVE that barbie tool set and try to use it, you are already flagged for elimination anyway. You should be focusing your efforts on other subjects like GETTING THE HELL OUT.And they know who you are. They know you know. They know if you have guns. They know you are not pleased with Obama, Bush, and false flag terror. They know you probably know the truth about the “holocaust”, the truth about vaccines, GMO, and any other number of your particular pet topics that make them itch. They know where you are going to bug out to, and they know what you bought for it. If your car is 2005 or newer, they will watch you go to your bug out place and nail you there. Ditto if you are stupid enough to bring your cell, or bring anyone elses for that matter.

Your only option is to get to Iceland, Venezuela, Ecuador or any other country that proved itself with Snowden before the axe falls. Unlike the illegal immigrant “problem” America has, a large scale influx of Americans into nations such as Ecuador would intellectually launch any country that accepted them 30 years into the future because it won’t be the idiots fleeing America, it will be the cream of the crop – those smart enough to see the asteroid coming. And if for any of the 500 reasons America now revokes passports from complete non criminals you are one of the 50 million that does not have one, GO INTO THE FOREIGN EMBASSIES AND START REQUESTING ASYLUM NOW.

When The Axe Falls

When the axe falls, you WON’T be running to Mexico because the border fence was for YOU, and unlike the B.S. you were told, it is totally impassable if you can even get to it. The border is so well surveilled now that you can’t even get close to that fence which is impossible to get across even if you do. I know this because I spent four days in the back country border zone observing what is going on. Believe me, the security is real, and it is for stopping Americans, NOT Mexicans. And if you think Canada will save you, WAKE UP.

When the axe falls, the Zionist Bolsheviks who run the U.S. government will be on the diplomatic channels to all nations saying it is fair and balanced and everyone will get a fair trial, so anyone who is complaining here and asking for asylum is some sort of lunatic. They will have PR campaigns of epic proportions coming out of Hollywood and paid for advertisements in all prospective refuge nations, calling you a criminal or a nut case or a deadbeat to hinder your asylum bid. They will have the CIA working overtime, and the zionist factions within the not totally infiltrated prospective asylum nations working overtime in secret to flip public opinion against you. If you were part of America’s main core, they have ONE objective for you – to burn you to ashes or bury you in a pit somewhere, and that objective does not involve allowing you to escape to bring the seeds of America out of the country to sprout a whole new “problem” for them elsewhere.


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